Measures Configuration

On this page, you will learn how to configure settings for each measure within the Measures field.

Steps to Configure Measure Settings

  • Open the Format Visual Pane

Access the formatting options by opening the Format Visual pane in Power BI.

  • Navigate to the Measures Card

Within the Format Visual pane, expand the Measures card to reveal multiple configuration options.

  • Select the Desired Measure

Use the dropdown list to choose the specific measure you want to adjust settings for.

  • Customize Measure Configurations

Once a measure is selected, you can customize the following settings:

Measures Configuration Options

1. Display Name

  • Description: Modify the display name of the measure as it appears in the visual.
  • Applicable Data Types: All data types

2. Background Color

  • Description: Adjust the background color for the selected measure to enhance visual distinction.
  • Applicable Data Types: All data types

3. Read-Only Measure

  • Description: Toggle this setting to control editability:
    • On: The measure becomes read-only, preventing any changes or data saving.
    • Off: Allows editing and saving changes to the measure.
  • Applicable Data Types: All data types

4. Decimal Places

  • Description: Specify the number of decimal places to display for numerical values.
  • Applicable Data Types: Numbers

5. Aggregation

  • Description: Choose the aggregation method for real-time calculations:
    • Sum (Default): Calculates the total sum of values.
    • Average: Computes the average of values. Use only if the measure represents an average to ensure accuracy.
  • Important Note: Selecting Average for measures that are not averages may lead to incorrect total values, as the visual uses initial values retrieved from Power BI for display.
  • Applicable Data Types: Numbers

6. Position

  • Description: Set the horizontal alignment of data within the cells:
    • Options: Left, Center, Right
  • Applicable Data Types: Numbers, Text, Dates

7. Max Length

  • Description: Define the maximum number of characters allowed in the text input for a cell.
  • Applicable Data Types: Text

8. Data Validation

  • Description: Implement validation rules to ensure data integrity when editing cells. There are two types of data validation:

    a. List Validation

    • Function: Ensures that the cell value matches one of the predefined items in a list.
    • Configuration Format: Enter list items separated by semicolons (;).
    • Example: Computer;Table;Monitor;
    • Usage: Users can only input or select values that exist in the specified list.

    b. Custom Validation

    • Function: Validates cell input based on a custom regular expression.
    • Configuration Format: Enter a valid regular expression pattern.
    • Examples:
      • Digits Only: /\d+/
      • Email Format: /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/
      • US Phone Number: /^\(?\d{3}\)?[-.\s]?\d{3}[-.\s]?\d{4}$/
    • Usage: Users can only input data that matches the defined regular expression pattern.
  • Applicable Data Types: Text


  • By configuring these settings appropriately, you can control how each measure behaves and appears within the Matrix Planner visual, ensuring that data entry and display align with your specific business requirements and data standards. Proper configuration enhances data accuracy, consistency, and usability within your reports.
  • Select the appropriate aggregation method to maintain accuracy in real-time calculations.
Updated over a month ago