Writeback Connection Configuration

On this page, you will learn how to configure correctly the connection to your database and writeback table.

Writeback Connection

Configure the Writeback Connection to writeback your data.

  1. Select the Right Database System:
    • Choose the appropriate "Database System" from the dropdown menu, based on whether you are using SQL Server or MySQL.
  2. Add Database Host:

    • Enter the "Database host". This is the server address where your database is hosted.
  3. Add Database User:

    • Provide the "Database user". Ensure this user has write permissions to allow data to be written back to the database.
  4. Add Database Password:

    • Enter the "Database password" associated with the specified user. This is necessary for authentication.
  5. Add Database Name:

    • Specify the "Database name" where your writeback table resides. This tells Matrix Planner which database to interact with.
  6. Add Writeback Table Name:

    • Finally, add the "Writeback table" name. This is the specific table in your database where the data will be written back.

After entering all the necessary details, ensure to save the configuration. This will enable the writeback feature, allowing you to save changes from the visual directly to your database.


Updated over a month ago